Herbs for skin care

      Method for Skin Care
A large number of people face skin problems on day to day basis. The most common of course, tends to be oily skin and acne. But there are others as well, such as dry skin, itching skin and flaky skin, rashes, wrinkles, and even more serious problems such as psoriasis and eczema.
Owing to have the wide variety of skin problems and conditions people experience, there can be any number of reasons for the problems. Many specialized doctors tend to treat the symptoms themselves though, instead of digging for deeper problems to resolve. Herbalists and natural remedy specialists agree however, that most skin related health problems are related to toxins within the body. Specifically the liver or colon is not functioning as well as they should do, and they need to be cleansed.
 Since due to most skin problems are cleared up with liver or colon cleansing approaches, many skin remedies include herbs which work specifically to help the liver cleanse, tone and heal.
 An excellent herb for liver health is :"Dandelion" . It will help the liver produce more bile, which draws toxins and pollutants out of your body at a much faster rate. This process works very well for dealing with every day skin problems such as acne.
(Eczema) is also often caused by a food allergy of some kind, and it's seen most often in children. The most common allergies which cause this skin condition are cows milk and wheat or gluten. Simply removing these items from the child's diet is often all that's needed to clear up the eczema problems.
While food allergies aren't the cause though, sometimes bacteria and infections is. In these cases, Garlic is the best herb to use for clearing up those problems. Garlic is a powerful anti fungus herb which can kill candida yeast related infections among many others. Garlic will also expel most parasites from your body, and those tend to cause skin related problems too.
For  dry and wrinkles skin problems though, one of the most natural approaches you can take is to simply drink more water. Our bodies need two to three quarts of water every day, and more so if we're sick or live in dry climates. Since our skin always seems to get water last, after all the major internal organs have gotten their share, there's often not enough left over to hydrate the skin properly. This not only causes dryness, itching and flaking, but it can cause premature wrinkles also.
Using Vitamins A, C and E to your facial skin directly will also help dehydrate it, fight free radical damage, and reduce or prevent wrinkles as well.
Many people will experience mild, moderate and severe sunburns from being exposed too long without proper skin protection with summer coming very soon. An excellent natural remedy for sunburns though, is to simply apply old fashioned black tea to the burned areas. Soak some teabags in cool water for a few moments to activate the tannin, then lay the bags on the sunburned skin. This will pull the heat and pain from the burn, as well as help it to heal into a nice tan without peeling

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